
06 November, 2010

MCA 4th Semester 2010 Solved Assignments

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1. MCS-041 Operating System
3. MCS-043 Database Management Systems
4. MCSL-045 UNIX and DBMS Lab

Solved Assignments Download Here...

28 October, 2010


Session 1

1) Explore all the UNIX commands given in this manual.

Answer- Information:-
1. Date- show date and time.
2. History- list of previously executed commands.
3. Man- show on-line documentation by program name.
4. Who- who is on the system and what are they doing.
5. Who am i- who is logged onto this system.

File Management:-
1. Cat- combine files.
2. Cp- copy file.
3. Ls- list of file in a directory and their attributes.
4. Mv- change file name or directory location.
5. Chmod- set file permission.

Display contents of files:-
1. Cat- copy file to display device.
2. Vi- Screen editor for modify text files.
3. More- show text files on display terminal with paging control.
4. Head- show first few lines of a file.
5. Tail- show last few lines of file or reverse line order.
6. Grep- display lines that match a pattern.

1. Cd- change to new directory.
2. Mkdir- create new directory.
3. Rmdir-remove empty directory.
4. Mv- change name or directory location.
5. Pwd- show present working directory.

2) Create a directory.
Answer- mkdir
For ex:- mkdir abc

3) Create a subdirectory in the directory created.
Answer- step-1: first create a directory
For ex:- mkdir rootdirectory
Step-2: then enter in rootdirectory
For ex: cd rootdirectory
Step-3: then create another directory
For ex: mkdir subdirectory.

4) Change your current directory to the subdirectory.
Answer -Mv

5) Display the calendar for the current month.
Answer -Cal
For ex: cal 2010

6) Get a directory listing of the parent directory.

Answer -Ls

7) How many users were logged onto your system?

Answer -Who

8) Display your name in the form of a banner.
Answer -Banner Abhi

9) Display the name of device name of your terminal.
Answer -Tty

10) Move to the root directory.

Answer -Cd\

Session 2

11) Change your directory to the directory exercises. Create a file called example1 using the cat command containing the following text:

water, water everywhere
and all the boards did shrink;
water, water everywhere,
No drop to drink.

Answer -Mv mydirectory exercise
Step-1: cat example
Step-2: type the text
Step-3: Press ctrl+D for save

12) Use the man command to obtain further information on the finger command.
Answer -Man finger

13) List all the processes that are presently running.
Answer -Ps

14) List the text files in your current directory.

Answer -Find/ usr –type –name *.txt print

15) Make a copy of any text file.

Answer -Cp

16) Rename one of your text files in the current directory.

Answer -Mv

17) Delete an unneeded copy of a file.
Answer -Rm

18) Print out any file on paper.
Answer -lp

19) Send a message to another user on your UNIX system, and get them to reply.
Answer -Write user

20) Create a small text file and send it to another user.
Answer -Mail

Session 3

21) When you receive a message, save it to a file other than your mailbox.
Answer -We can open all received message by
Then we save a mail message to a file by

22) Send a message to a user on a different computer system.
Answer -Mail mca11 ttyp5
Subject: Hello
How are you?
Then press ctrl+D .

23) Try to move to the home directory of someone else in your group. There are several ways to do this, and you may find that you are not permitted to enter certain directories. See what files they have, and what the file permissions are.
Answer -Cd user/mca11

24) Try to copy a file from another user’s directory to your own.

Answer -@pwd
$cd abhishek
$ cp xyz.txt/user2/mca12

25) Set permissions on all of your files and directories to those that you want. You may want to give read permission on some of your files and directories to members of your group.
Answer -$chmod –R 777 abc.txt

26) Create a number of hierarchically related directories and navigate through them using a combination of absolute pathnames (starting with "/") and relative pathnames.
Answer -$mkdir/user/mca11/helpme
$cd user/mca11/helpme

27) Try using wildcards (“*” and possibly “?”).
Answer -$ls *.txt
This command will display the listing of all files having extension .txt.

28) Put a listing of the files in your directory into a file called filelist. (Then delete it!)
Answer -$ls *.txt
$find filename.txt –printr> filename.txt
$vi as.txt
$rm file list

29) Create a text file containing a short story, and then use the spell program to check the spelling of the words in the file.
Answer -$cat>story.txt
Type the text
Press ctrl+D to save.
$spell story.txt

30) Redirect the output of the spell program to a file called errors.
Answer -$spell story.txt>error

Session 4

31) Type the command ls -l and examine the format of the output. Pipe the output of the command ls -l to the word count program wc to obtain a count of the number of files in your directory.
Answer -$ls –l |wc -c

32) Use cut to strip away the reference material and leave just the text field.
Answer -$cat –F 1-3-d

33) Use tr to strip away any tags that are actually in the text (e.g., attached to the words), so that you are left with just the words.
Answer -$tr –d –c setting1.

34) Set a file to be read-only with the chmod (from change mode) command. Interpret the file permissions displayed by the ls -l command.
Answer -$chmod 444
$ls –l

35) Delete one or more directories with the rmdir (from remove directory) command. See what happens if the directory is not empty. Experiment (carefully!) with the rm -r command to delete a directory and its content.
Answer -$rmdir
$rm –r
$rm –r abc

36) Experiment with redirecting command output (e.g., ls -l >file1). Try ">> " instead of " >" with an existing text file as the output.
Answer -$ls –l>> file
This will append the text in existing file.

37) See whether upper-case versions of any of these commands work as well as the lower-case versions.
Answer -$ls –l>file name
Not found.
38) Use the who command to see users logged into the system.
Mca1 ttyp7 mar20 15:14
Mca2 ttyp5 mar19 11:11
Mca2 ttyp6 mar16 11:10
Mca3 ttyp7 mar11 13:11

39) Pipe the output of the who command to the sort command
Answer -$who|sort -4

40) Search for your login name in whofile using the grep command.

Answer -$who >who file
$grep mca22 whofile
$who |grep mca22

Session 5

41) Compare two text files with the diff command.
Answer -$diff file1 file2

42) Count lines, words, and characters in a file with the wc command.
Answer -$wc –c for characters
$wc –l for lines
$wc –w for wordss

43) Display your current environment variables with the following command: set or env.

Answer -$set or $env both are same
$set or $env
LOG NAME= mca22
MAIL= /user/spool/mail/mca22

44) Concatenate all files in a directory redirected to /dev/null and redirecting standard error to “errorFile”?
Answer -$cat *>>file name
Show error
Cat: input error: is a directory
Total 68
Dr wxh –xh –x2bca22 9-bca siz Dec 30 12:50
$cat file name

45) Display information on yourself or another user with the finger command.

Answer -$finger
Login name tty idle login time Where
Mca1 *P20 15:49 22:11
Mca2 *P21 12:22 21:11
Mca3 *P23 14:49 12:11
Mca4 *P26 11:49 22:11

47) Delete all the files in the current directory whose name ends in “.bak”.
Answer -$cat>a.back
$ls –l *.back
$rm *.back

48) Display lines 10 to 14 of any file which contains 25 lines.
Answer -$tail +10 file name|head -5
$head -10 file1| tail -14 file

49) Count how many lines contain the word science in a word file science.txt.
Answer -Cat> science.txt
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - science- - - - - -
predd ctrl+D to save
$grep –c “science” science.txt |wc -l

50) List the statistics of the largest file (and only the largest file) in the current directory.
Answer -$ls –l| grep ‘n’ |sort>m1
$cat –d –f 4|sort m1;tail -l

Session 6

51) Kill any process with the help of the PID and run any process at the background.

Answer -$pwd
$kill 22556
$vi abc.txt
$date &

52) Select a text file and double space the lines.
Answer -$cat>a11.txt
Abc efg hig
Ctrl+d to save.
$ps -d>plog1.txt [second file]
Abc efg hig

53) List all the users from /etc/passwd in the alphabetically sorted order.
Answer -$cat /etc/password|sort

54) Create a file with duplicate records and delete duplicate records for that file.
Answer -$cat b11.txt
Abhishek abhishek abhishek
Ctrl+D to save.
$uniq –c b11.txt
$uniq abc.txt>ab1.txt
$Cp ab.txt abc.txt
$cat abc.txt

55) Use the grep command to search the file example1 for occurrences of the string “water”.
Answer -$cat>prog.sh
For I in cat example1
Echo $i>>ex1
$sh prog.sh
$cat ex1|grep –c “water”
$grep water example1

56) Write grep commands to do the following activities:

• To select the lines from a file that have exactly two characters.
$grep ‘^.$’ n1
• To select the lines from a file that start with the upper case letter.
$grep ‘[A-Z] ^1
• To select the lines from a file that end with a period.
$grep $n1
• To select the lines in a file that has one or more blank spaces.
$grep ‘ ‘n1
• To select the lines in a file and direct them to another file which has digits
as one of the characters in that line.

$grep ‘[0-9]’ n1>n2

57) Make a sorted wordlist from the file.
Answer -$tr ‘A-Z’ ‘a-z’ < file1|tr –cs ‘a-z’ ‘\02’|sort |uniq –c>file2

58) Try to execute the example shell scripts given in this manual.
Answer -$vi nv
Echo “Enter any no.”
Read a
Echo “Number is 4a”

59) Write a shell script that searches for a single word pattern recursively in the current directory and displays the no. of times it occurred.
Answer -$grep –r ‘ABC’

Session 7

61) Write a shell script that accepts a string from the terminal and echo a suitable message if it doesn’t have at least 5 characters including the other symbols.
Answer –
$vi abc
Echo “Enter the string”
Read s
C=`expr $s |wc –c`
C=`expr $c -1`
If Test $c –ge 5
Echo “String is valid”
Echo “String is invalid”

62) Write a shell script to echo the string length of the given string as argument.
Answer –
Vi xyz
Echo “enter the String”
Read a
C=’echo $a |wc –c’
C=`expr $c -1`
Echo $c

63) Write a shell script that accepts two directory names as arguments and deletes those files in the first directory which are similarly named in the second directly. Note: Contents should also match inside the files.
Answer –
Vi abc
Echo “enter the fist Dir”
Read a
Echo “Enter the second Dir”
Read b
Ls $a >> aa
Ls $b >> bb
For ‘in comm. -1-2 aabb’
Q=’emp –s/usrer/bca/hour/s1/user1/bca1/abhi/$i’
Echo $q
If Test $q –eq 0

64) Write a shell script to display the processes running on the system for every 30 seconds, but only for 3 times.
Answer –
Vi process
While Test $i –le 3
Do sleep 5
i=`expr $i +1`

65) Write a shell script that displays the last modification time of any file.

Ls –l put|cat –c -45 -48

66) Write a shell script to check the spellings of any text document given as an argument.
Echo “enter the file”
Read a
Spell $a> error
Cut error

69) Write a shell script which reads the contents in a text file and removes all the blank spaces in them and redirects the output to a file.
Answer –
W=`wc –w Test`
Echo “No of word $w”
Set ‘cat jay’
While test $c –le $w
Echo –n $i>>jay
C=`expr $c +1`
Cut jay


Vi xyz
For I in ‘cat jay’
Echo –n 4i

70) Write a shell script that changes the name of the files passed as arguments to lowercase.

Echo $i>temp
Tr “[:uppr:]” “[:lowe:]” [temp]
Mv /user/mca2/$i/user/mca2/$a
Session 8

71) Write a shell script to translate all the characters to lower case in a given text file.
Answer –
Echo enter a text file
Read file
If [1 $file]
Echo 4file not a file
Cat $file |tr ‘[A-Z]’ ‘[a-z]’

72) Write a shell script to combine any three text files into a single file (append them in the order as they appear in the arguments) and display the word count.
Answer –
# //bin/bash
File3=$3 out- ‘output $1’
If [$# -ne 3]
Echo “$(base name $o) file1 file 2file3”
If [!=$file]
Echo ‘$file! Not a file’
If[! –f $file2]
Echo “$file2 not file!”
Exit 3
If [1- f $file]
Echo $file3 not a file!”
$file1 $file 2$file3?? $out
Count=4(cat $out|wc –w)
Echo “count words written to out!”

28 September, 2010

Difference Between .Net & Java


        • Java is developed by Sun Microsystems.
  •  Java is a light weight language and can be run on almost all the OS(it require less hardware)
  • Java you need to confirm it that all the objects are destroyed before application quits.
  • Java has no standard tool is available. Although, many third party IDEs are available
  • Java is a programming language designed to be run on many different platforms, and so uses a common language which has to be compiled and run on different platforms (eg. windows, mac and linux).Any OS which is able to install JVMJava can be used to write programs for many different operating systems
  • Java interface, a null object reference maps to the VT_NULL VARIANT value
  • Java interface, all failure HRESULTs from the underlying COM interface are reported by throwing a com.ca.openroad.COMException containing that HRESULT value

         • .Net is developed by Microsoft Corporation
  • .Net needs a very heavy framework to be installed which have higher Hardware requirements too compared to Java
  • .Net garbage collector runs at a certain interval and see is there is any memory occupied by anyobject whose parent is now finished processing (for eg. you closed an application), in this casethe garbage collector automatically removes the reference of that object and free up the memory
  • .Net a standard development IDE is available that is Microsoft Visual Studio
  • .NET, takes on a different approach, by allowing you to program in any language you choose,but has compilers for many different languages that generates a platform specific code (i.e.Microsoft or Windows).
  • .NET can be used to make any programming language into a Windows program.NET COM interoperability layer maps null .NET object references to VT_EMPTY.

22 September, 2010

Free Oracle Material, e-Books

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Popular Forums for Preparation

Oracle Forum
OraFAQ Forum
Oracle Database Forum
Oracle - dBforum

Lucknow Regional and Study Centre Details

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27 Lucknow Regional

IGNOU Regional Centre,

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Lucknow-226 020

Ph. 0522-375830, 364893

Ph. Res. 0522-763262

Fax: 0522-364889
Dr. (Ms.)
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Dr. Amit Chaturvedi, ARD

Sh. A.K. Misra, ARD

Sh. Ashwini Kumar, ARD

Pradesh (Partly)

except Meerut,


Gaziabad and


Sl.No. Centre
Centre Address
1 2701 Jai
Narain Degree College, Lucknow-226 019
2 2702 St.
John's College, Agra-282 002
3 2703
Degree College, 15, Kyadganj, Allahabad-211 003
4 2704 Bareilly
College, Post Box No.15, Bareilly-243 005
5 2705
PG College, Dehradun-248 001
6 2706 PPN
College, 96/12, MG Marg, Kanpur-208 002
7 2706
Kanpur, Narwal
8 2708 Udai
Pratap PG College, Varanasi-221 002
9 2709 Gorakhpur
University, Gorakhpur-273 001
10 2710 Kamala
Instt. Of Physical & Social Sc., Sultanpur-228 001
11 2711 MB
Govt. PG College, Haldwani-263 141
12 2712 Bipin
Bihari PG College, Jhansi-284 001
13 2713 Aligarh
Muslim University, Aligarh-202 002
14 2714 Hindu
College, Moradabad-244 001
15 2715 Govt.
PG College, Gopeshwar-246 401
16 2716 S.C.
College, Ballia-277 001
17 2717 Kumaon
University, Almora-263 601
18 2720 Lucknow
Christian College, Lucknow-226 018
19 2721 Karan
Khettra PG College, Etawah-206 001
20 2722
Shaktinagar-231 222
21 2723
College, Azamgarh-276 001
22 2724
Telephones Ind. Ltd., ESS Project, Manakapur-271 308
23 2725
Charitable Trust, Basantpur, Lucknow Road, Bahraich-271 801
24 2726
PG College, Pithauragarh-262 501
25 2727 APN
Degree College, Basti-272 001
26 2729 DN
College, Fatehgarh, Distt. Farukhabad
27 2731
Engg. College, Gorakhpur
28 2732
Computer Consultancy Ltd., Lucknow
29 2733
30 2734
Of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu Medical College, Varanasi(U.P.)-221 005
31 2735
Georges Medical College, Lucknow-226 003
32 2736
Centre of Distance Education, Koran, Allahabad, Distt.212 306
33 2737 M.D.Post
Graduate College Pratapgarh.
34 2740(P) College
of Nursing, Medical College Campus, Kanpur-214879
35 2742(P) NTPC
Ltd. Unchahar, Dist. Raibareli-229406, UP
36 2745 VBS
Poorvanchal University Shahaganj Road, Jaunpur-222002
37 2747 Feroze
Candhi College Raibareli-229001
38 2750(D) I.T.College,
Faizabad Road Lucknow
39 2751
Girls Inter College, Kurja, Sant Kabir Nagar, U.P.
40 2753D Sh.
Ganesh Shanker Vid. M'LAYA, Kanpur

02 September, 2010

BCA MCA Date Sheet for TEE December 2010

01 September, 2010

IGNOU MCA JULY 2010 Assignments

Hello Friends.........

MCA July 2010 Assignments Question paper can be  downloaded here....

MCA 2nd Semester Assignments (New Syllabus)

MCA 4th Semester Assignments (New Syllabus)